Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top ten Tuesday is hosted by The broke and the bookish.

top ten words/topics that make me not pick up a book

  1. Any book that suggests there might be animal cruelty in it. 
  2. Any book with unnecessary cruelty to people of any age. Sometimes an author will just throw cruelty in there to get a knee jerk reaction, to jump start your emotional response to the action. To me, that's like saying your writing isn't strong enough to do that alone, so you felt you needed that extra boost. And if your writing isn't strong enough to do that alone, maybe it's not worth reading.
  3. Preachy books. Frankly, most of the time, even when I read nonfiction, I am reading for entertainment. I prefer not to be preached at while I read. Save it for Sunday please.
  4. Zombies. They seem to be the thing in pockets of literature, but I just can't seem to get into them. Plus, I have to admit, I am a little creeped out by them. 
  5. Romances about new mothers. I am way past that stage in life and no longer find reading about it any fun. Especially if they include the words "Baby Daddy" in the title.
  6. 50 shades of gray and sequels and copycats. I just can't get into that.
  7. Sports books. Not a sports fan, though I can understand other people being drawn to it.
  8. Miracle. I will admit that miracles happen, but especially in fiction books, I feel like miracles are just too easy an answer.
  9. How-to books. Most of the time I am just not interested in how-to books until I need one to do something.
  10. Animal stories. Generally speaking something problematic always happens to the animal and I don't like reading about that. I just don't enjoy animal stories. 
It was harder to come up with Ten things than I thought it would be. It would have been way easier to write a list of things I am willing to read. What kinds of things don't you like to read?


  1. Zombies and 50 Shades made my list too! Definitely not my cup of tea :)

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  2. Oh, baby daddy is a good one! I'm definitely turned off of that one.

  3. I really hate preachy books, I try my best to avoid them because I don't like being condescended to. I'm not really crazy about sports books either, possibly because I'm not interested in sports themselves.

    My TTT

  4. I like agree with all of these, but I am starting to come around to zombies. Thanks hubby for getting me addicted to Walking Dead!

    Here's my TTT!

    Jess @ Such A Novel Idea

  5. Yep, preachy books are definitely immediate turnoffs for me. So are animal cruelty books.
    Great idea! :D

    My TTT
