Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #523: When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with Can't Wait Wednesday hosted over at Wishful Endings

From the publisher:

 New York Times bestseller John Scalzi flies you to the moon with his most fantastic tale to date: When the Moon Hits Your Eye

The moon has turned to cheese.

Now humanity has to deal with it.

For some it’s an opportunity. For others it’s a moment to question their faith: In God, in science, in everything. Still others try to keep the world running in the face of absurdity and uncertainty. And then there are the billions looking to the sky and wondering how a thing that was always just there is now... something absolutely impossible.

Astronauts and billionaires, comedians and bank executives, professors and presidents, teenagers and terminal patients at the end of their lives -- over the length of an entire lunar cycle, each get their moment in the moonlight. To panic, to plan, to wonder and to pray, to laugh and to grieve. All in a kaleidoscopic novel that goes all the places you’d expect, and then to so many places you wouldn’t.

It’s a wild, magical moonage daydream. Ride this rocket.

When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi is expected out March 25, 2025 from Tor Books.

Why am I waiting on this book? I've read a few John Scalzi books now. I've always found them to  be entertaining and imaginative. I expect this one will be the same. 

What book are you waiting on? Share it or a link in the comments so we can check it out and maybe add it to out TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!


  1. I saw this mentioned on Booktube this week and it sounds so crazy that I just have to give it a try. I keep meaning to read Fuzzy Nation by Scalzi. It's about time I give him a go. I've heard a lot of his main characters are the same type of individual over and over but I think I'd like his humor.

    1. I think you'd like his humor too. The first book I read by him was Starter Villain and I was hooked. Your pick, The Grimoire Grammar School Parent Teacher Association sounds like a fun read. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. What a hilarious premise, I'm so sold on this one. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Thanks! And thanks for putting Don't Let the Forest In on my radar. Hope you enjoy all your picks!
