Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #509: The Hermit Next Door by Kevin Hearne


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with Can't Wait Wednesday hosted over at Wishful Endings

From the publisher: Kevin Hearne, author of the acclaimed Iron Druid Chronicles, returns with an otherworldly new novella!

Newly widowed and trying to cope with her grief, Winnie Mae Chisholm moves from Tennessee with her teenage son, Pax, to Oregon, hoping the change will let them both heal and move on. She’s warned when buying their new home that the next door neighbor, Mr. Fisher, is a famous recluse and no one has seen him in years, but that’s fine with her—she’s looking for quiet.

She’s not going to get it, however, because when Pax meets the neighbor, he discovers that the reason Mr. Fisher hides from the world is that he isn’t actually from this world. He’s been stranded for decades and he’s trying to get home, and he could really use some help. 

Abruptly part of the best-kept secret on the planet, Winnie Mae and Pax have to protect Mr. Fisher from a nosy neighbor who would ruin his work and doom him to die among aliens, but they also have to ask themselves: How far would they go to escape their grief? Would another world be far enough?

The Hermit Next Door by Kevin Hearne is expected out June 30th, 2024 from Subterranean Press.

Why am I waiting on this book: I find the idea of finding out your neighbor is an alien intriguing. I am wondering to what lengths they will go to protect him from the nosy neighbor and help him find a way home. And do they really think they can outrun their grief? 

What book are you waiting on? Share it or a link in the comments so we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists.Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!


  1. This sounds so good! And very different from what Kevin Hearne usually writes. Thanks for sharing😁

    1. =0) Happy to share it. Thanks for coming by and checking it out.

  2. Love the sounds of this one. I've had an attempted murderer and a drug dealer for neighbors but never an alien. I'd take the alien please.

  3. What an interesting premise! I hope this one is as good as it sounds, Laura:).
