Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #508: The Gingerbread Queen by Carrie Anne Noble


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with Can't Wait Wednesday hosted over at Wishful Endings

From the publisher:  Once upon a time, Gretel defeated the witch of the gingerbread cottage and saved Hansel. Now, she must face what the witch left behind...

Germany, 1825. Thirteen years have passed since Gretel and her brother Hansel started new lives in a small town. She’s changed her name, lived quietly, and tried to forget her terrible past—yet gossiping neighbors accuse her of being the old witch’s protégé. When roguish Hansel stirs up the townsfolk’s wrath, she must return to the gingerbread cottage—a place both she and her enemies fear.

Deep within the forest, the white duck awaits Gretel’s return. He and the enchanted forest have plans to nudge her toward a dark, magical future—whether she likes it or not.

Could it be her fate to become the next cruel witch-queen to reign--and to forfeit any chance of a happily-ever-after with a kind and noble man? And what dangerous secrets does the white duck hide?

The Gingerbread Queen by Carrie Anne Noble is the first book in a planned duology. Book one is expected out June 11th, 2024 from Oliver Heber Books.

Why am I waiting on this book: I like books with fairy tale type themes. I hadn't read one yet that was a follow up to Hansel and Gretel. I'm wondering what Hansel does to get in so much trouble that Gretel decides it's better to hang out at the witch's former residence. And, what's up with the duck? I want to know what happens to Gretel. Will she turn evil or will she get her happily ever after? 

What book are you waiting on? Share it or a link in the comments so we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists.Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!


  1. This sounds right up my alley. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you like it. Your pick, Bat Eater and Other Names for Cora Zeng, sounds interesting too. Hope we enjoy them!
