Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #334: Nothing Good Happens After Midnight ed. Jeffrey Deaver
Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with "Can't-Wait Wednesday" hosted over at Wishful Endings.
From Amazon:
The sun sets. The moon takes its place, illuminating the most evil corners of the planet. What twisted fear dwells in that blackness? What legends attach to those of sound mind and make them go crazy in the bright light of day? Only Suspense Magazine knows…
Teaming up with New York Times bestselling author Jeffery Deaver, Suspense Magazine offers up a nail-biting anthology titled: “Nothing Good Happens After Midnight.” This thrilling collection consists of thirteen original short stories representing the genres of suspense/thriller, mystery, sci-fi/fantasy, and more.
Readers’ favorites come together to explore the mystery of midnight. The ‘best of the best’ presenting these memorable tales, include: Joseph Badal, Linwood Barclay, Rhys Bowen, Jeffery Deaver, Heather Graham, Alan Jacobson, Paul Kemprecos, Shannon Kirk, Jon Land, John Lescroart, D. P. Lyle, Kevin O’Brien, and Hank Phillippi Ryan.
Take their hands…walk into their worlds…but be prepared to leave the light on when you’re through. After all, this incredible gathering of authors, who will delight fans of all genres, not only utilized their award-winning imaginations to answer that age-old question of why “Nothing Good Happens After Midnight”—they also made sure to pen stories that will leave you…speechless.
Nothing Good Happens After Midnight is expected to be published November 17th, 2020 by Suspense Publishing.
Why am I waiting on this book? I like the majority of the line-up of authors listed as contributing to the anthology. And I like the driving concept.
What book are you waiting on this week? Share it or a link in the comments. so we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Teaser Tuesday: Shakespeare For Squirrels by Christopher Moore
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Purplebooker.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Blacktooth then turned to us, doffed his bronze officer’s helmet, which looked like it might have been used recently for boiling beans, and said, “Beggin’ your pardon, gents, Burke is under training these two years and is yet a nematode in the ways of the watch.” “Neophyte,” corrected Burke. (8% through on my Kindle)
Shakespeare For Squirrels by Christopher Moore was published May 12th, 2020 by William Morrow.
Would you keep reading? What's your teaser this week? Share it or a link in the comments. Are you enjoying your book? Let us know! Happy Reading!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #333: The First to Lie by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with "Can't-Wait Wednesday" hosted over at Wishful Endings.
From Amazon:
We all have our reasons for being who we are―but what if being someone else could get you what you want?
After a devastating betrayal, a young woman sets off on an obsessive path to justice, no matter what dark family secrets are revealed. What she doesn't know―she isn't the only one plotting revenge.
An affluent daughter of privilege. A glamorous manipulative wannabe. A determined reporter, in too deep. A grieving widow who has to choose her new reality. Who will be the first to lie? And when the stakes are life and death, do a few lies really matter?
Bestselling and award-winning author and investigative reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan delivers another twisty, thrilling cat and mouse novel of suspense that will have you guessing, and second-guessing, and then gasping with surprise.
The First to Lie by Hank Phillippi Ryan is expected to be published August 4th, 2020 by Forge Books.
Why am I waiting on this book? I haven't read anything yet by this author, but this sounds like an intriguing thriller to me. More than one person is plotting revenge. And it seems that the lies will affect their success. I like that it looks twisty.
What book are you waiting on this week? Share it or a link in the comments. so we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Teaser Tuesday: Kick the Bucket by Alex A King
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Purplebooker.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
“You’re your mother.”
She sighed melodramatically. “I know. I swore I would be myself, but every time I open my mouth she comes out.”
(17% through on my Kindle)
Kick the Bucket by Alex A. King was published June 19th, 2020.
Would you keep reading? What's your teaser this week? Share it or a link in the comments. Are you enjoying your book? Let us know! Happy Reading!
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Review: Life and Limb by Jennifer Roberson
Gabe and Remi grew up in very different places but with one similarity - the man they knew as Grandaddy. He taught Gabe to shoot and Remi to throw knives. And he told them things they would need to know that they would forget in the short term, but remember someday when they needed it most. He was preparing them for a coming war between good and evil.
Gabe and Remi are summoned to a bar in Northern Arizona where Grandaddy explains to the boys, now men, that they will be working together to fight in this war. On their path they will meet others who work for good as well as those who are ambiguous and others who are downright evil.
Grandaddy also explained that all of those fictional things from folklore, religions, and mythology are real - both good and evil. Among others they meet the Morrigan from Celtic mythology and an African god who talks to volcanoes.
I liked Gabe and Remi. Their struggles as they begin to work together make them sympathetic. I also liked the character of the Morrigan. She was no nonsense and just what they needed exposure to.
There is plenty of adventure. Plotwise it works well except for the occasional info dumps that slow things down a little. They have plenty of opposition to help them grow as characters.
I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars. It has an interesting premise. The main characters are sympathetic. I enjoyed the folklore and mythology bits. I liked the occasional humor as well. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, but not terribly so. I will most likely read the next book. I do want to know what happens. I recommend this book for fans of urban fantasy with a supernatural bent.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. This did not influence my opinion.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #332: Agatha Arch Is Afraid of Everything by Kristin Bair
Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with "Can't-Wait Wednesday" hosted over at Wishful Endings.
From Goodreads:
Agatha Arch's life shatters when she discovers her husband in their backyard shed, in flagrante delicto, giving the local dog walker some heavy petting. Suddenly, Agatha finds herself face to face with everything that frightens her...and that's a loooooong list.
Agatha keeps those she loves close. Everyone else, she keeps as far away as possible. So she's a mystery to nearly everyone in her New England town. To her husband, she's a saucy, no-B.S. writer. To her Facebook Moms group, she's a provocateur. To her neighbor, she's a standoffish pain in the butt. To her sons, she's chocolate pudding with marshmallows. And to her shrink, she's a bundle of nerves on the brink of a cataclysmic implosion.
Defying her abundant assortment of anxieties, Agatha dons her "spy pants"--a pair of khakis whose many pockets she crams with binoculars, fishing line, scissors, flashlight, a Leatherman Super Tool 300 EOD, candy, and other espionage essentials--and sets out to spy on her husband and the dog walker. Along the way, she finds another intriguing target to follow: a mysterious young woman who's panhandling on the busiest street in town.
It's all a bit much for timorous Agatha. But with the help of her Bear Grylls bobblehead, a trio of goats, and a dog named Balderdash, Agatha may just find the courage to build a better life.
Agatha Arch Is Afraid of Everything by Kristin Bair is expected to be published November 10th, 2020 by Alcove Press.
Why am I waiting on this book? I'm interested in this portrayal of someone with such bad anxiety. I want to know more about Agatha and the panhandling girl she finds. And I want to know more about how the goats and dog help her with her anxiety. It's also supposed to be enjoyable if you liked Where'd You Go Bernadette?
What book are you waiting on this week? Share it or a link in the we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Teaser Tuesday: Kick the Bucket by Alex A. King
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Purplebooker.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Even at forty-four, in benevolent lighting, people say I look like a college kid. Blame the olive skin, inherited from my Greek-American parents, coupled with girlish features. The two work almost as well as a portrait in an attic. My back knew the truth, though. The muscles regularly reminded me that the two hundred thousand miles cutoff was fast approaching under the hood, no matter the shape of the bodywork. (location 113 on my Kindle)
Kick the Bucket by Alex A. King was published June 19th, 2020.
Would you keep reading? What's your teaser this week? Share it or a link in the comments. Are you enjoying your book? Let us know! Happy Reading!
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Book Review: Razor Girl by Carl Hiaasen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Andrew Yancy used to be a detective. These days he detects things that would shut down restaurants. He also spends some of his time trying to find his way into his previous boss's good graces hoping he will be reinstated to the force.
In this edition of Andrew's life, he has his hands more than full with a variety of characters such as Merry the razor girl who bumps a car into his life while shaving her bikini area. There's also Buck Nance, the star of a "reality" show where he plays at being a redneck raising roosters for their feathers to tie flies. Benny, aka Blister, who idolizes Buck to an extreme. Add in a mafia boss and his girlfriend. And a lawyer addicted to the product of the company he is suing. And more. The characters are wild. The specific combination really makes the book.
While the book might be a little slow in parts, overall it moves at a decent pace. Between the characters and the deft somewhat increasingly complicated plotting, it kept my attention.
I really enjoyed this humorous, offbeat tale. If you're looking for an unusual book with a sense of humor that defies being placed in one genre, this could be a good book for you. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #331: The Charmed Wife by Olga Grushin
Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with "Can't-Wait Wednesday" hosted over at Wishful Endings.
From Goodreads:
Cinderella married the man of her dreams--the perfect ending she deserved after diligently following all the fairy-tale rules. Yet now, two children and thirteen and a half years later, things have gone badly wrong and her life is far from perfect. One night, fed up, she sneaks out of the palace to get help from the Witch who, for a price, offers love potions to disgruntled housewives. But as the old hag flings the last ingredients into the cauldron, Cinderella doesn't ask for a love spell to win back her Prince Charming.
Instead, she wants him dead.
Endlessly surprising, wildly inventive, and decidedly modern, The Charmed Wife weaves together time and place, fantasy and reality, to conjure a world unlike any other. Nothing in it is quite what it seems, and the twists and turns of its magical, dark, swiftly shifting paths take us deep into the heart of what makes us unique, of romance and marriage, and of the very nature of storytelling.
The Charmed Wife by Olga Grushin is expected to be released January 12th, 2021 by G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Why am I waiting on this book? I like fairy tales and retellings. This one picks up after Cinderella ends and goes forward. I am surprised Cinderella wants Prince Charming dead. I wonder what happened to get her to that point. And I want to see what happens from then on. I've only read two reviews so far. Both gave it 4 stars out of 5. I think it's worth a read.
What book are you waiting on this week? Share it or a link in the we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Can't Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday #330: Master of Poisons by Andrea Hairston
Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly event that had been hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where we spotlighted upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. I'm now linking up with "Can't-Wait Wednesday" hosted over at Wishful Endings.
From Goodreads:
The world is changing. Poison desert eats good farmland. Once-sweet water turns foul. The wind blows sand and sadness across the Empire. To get caught in a storm is death. To live and do nothing is death. There is magic in the world, but good conjure is hard to find.
Djola, righthand man and spymaster of the lord of the Arkhysian Empire, is desperately trying to save his adopted homeland, even in exile.
Awa, a young woman training to be a powerful griot, tests the limits of her knowledge and comes into her own in a world of sorcery, floating cities, kindly beasts, and uncertain men.
Awash in the rhythms of folklore and storytelling and rich with Hairston’s characteristic lush prose, Master of Poisons is epic fantasy that will leave you aching for the world it burns into being.
Master of Poisons by Andrea Hairston is expected to be published September 8th, 2020 by Tor.
Why am I waiting on this book? I like the way it's described in the last paragraph of the synopsis. The words lush, rich, and rhythms of folklore in particular draw me.
What book are you waiting on this week? Share it or a link in the we can check it out and maybe add it to our TBR lists. Thanks for coming by and Happy Reading!
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